7000 (Small)The  Electron Generator Model 9000 from Bio-Oxygen is suitable for heavy odour areas. The Model 9000 is specifically designed for the removal of Heavy Industrial Odours from Sewerage, Grease Traps, Kitchens Exhaust, Garbage, Manure, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals etc.
•    On/Off Switch
•    Fuse Holder
•    Circuit Breaker
•    Control Light
•    Rotary Switch to vary the size of the Oxygen Clusters from small to large Clusters in 11 steps.
•    Socket for connection to SCADA, BMS or CCMS for remote monitoring.
•    Socket for External Control Light up to 3 meters long.
•    International IEC Input Power Socket

MODEL 9000

A Model 9000 is available as Manual Model only with Manual Rotary Dial Control with 11 output settings.

Model 9000 is only available with sockets for 10 electron tubes. The Electron Tubes simply screw into the sockets on the electron generator. Bio-Oxygen units are light and portable and may simply be unplugged and moved from site to site. Electron Tube Sizes: 200 and 300 mm. Selected size depends on available space in the duct or plenum.

BIO-OXYGEN – The Intelligent Air Purifier


Bio-Oxygen Model 9000 is designed to be accommodated in a Fan Box. A blower sucks ambient air through the fan box and over the Bio-Oxygen Electrode Tubes and blows Oxygen Cluster Air into a Sewerage Pit, Grease Trap, Kitchen Exhaust Duct. A Model 9000 Bio-Oxygen unit must be wired to switch on/off together with the ventilation fan, without fail.  The Fan Box shall be provided by the customer.


After the warranty period, the Bio-Oxygen units are serviced and the Electron Tubes are exchanged when the Customer enters into an Electron Tube Exchange Contract with Bio-Oxygen. The Contract provides for:

•    Yearly exchange of Electrode Tubes
•    Parts Replacement and Repairs during year
•    Break-down service

Without an Electron Tube Exchange Contract, Bio-Oxygen would only service the equipment at Bio-Oxygen’s sole discretion, without priority, at current service rates and provided that the customer has not tampered with the Bio-Oxygen equipment. The customer is responsible for the on-going replacement of the air filters specified by Bio-Oxygen.

CONTROLS & FEATURES (Manual & Auto Models)
•    On/Off Switch
•    Fuse Holder
•    Circuit Breaker
•    Control Light
•    Rotary Switch to vary the size of the Oxygen Clusters from small to large Clusters in 11 steps.
•    Socket for connection to SCADA, BMS or CCMS for remote monitoring.
•    Socket for External Control Light up to 3 meters long.
•    International IEC Input Power Socket


After the warranty period, the Bio-Oxygen equipment is serviced when the Customer enters into an Electron Tube Exchange Contract with Bio-Oxygen. The Electron Tube Exchange Contract provides for:

•    Yearly exchange of Electrode Tubes
•    Parts Replacement and Repairs during the year
•    Breakdown Service

Without an Electron Tube Exchange Contract, Bio-Oxygen may service the equipment at Bio-Oxygen’s sole discretion, without priority, at current service rates and provided that the customer has not tampered with the Bio-Oxygen equipment. The customer is responsible for the on-going replacement of the air filters specified by Bio-Oxygen.